I’m jumping, jumping, jumping. I wait for you but know that I squish time. One visit on top of another, nap in the middle--like dog pile. Fun time, party time. I am happy dog. I lick lick. I hop on you—do you feel it? I lick Dad and Sister and little Roman—although he’s not little anymore. I lick Sweetpea, the puppy I found for you. I lick Laffee, and Obi Kitty. My family, my loves.
I’m the Pink Party Poodle for Peace. That’s my job here. Bear is the big gentle guy who teaches the puppies how to behave. Some came here before their eyes were open. They open them to wonderment.
Take care of business on earth. Don’t be in a hurry to join me. I love you, and this place—green as you like, space to run like all the dogs love. Momma, the horses are here too, Boots and Duchess. They stand together head to tail and scratch each other’s backs.
Old friends snuggle together at night. We tell stories of time on earth, and sometimes we help our earth families. At night—yes, we have day and night, we like sleep and awake, although we nap a lot, same as on earth.
You know how Bear, our Newfoundland, loved the water. I saw him this morning giving puppies swimming lessons.