My momma says that everybody and their dog blogs. I wasn't writing a single solitary thing, but I'm correcting that right now. When momma got me she named me The Pink Party Poodle for Peace, now I guess I'm The Pink Party Poodle for Peace Pontificating. My pontification of the day is to tell you that the purpose of life is to have fun, hee, hee, and chase lizards. I love to chase lizards--never catch them though, they taste like rotten toes.

I'm Thinking

I'm Thinking

Friday, June 8, 2012


I Peaches am cool dog. I love riding in the car--if the car is leaving I ought to be in it. If not--so sad.

I try to walk with my people in the grapefruit orchard, but there are so many burrs that they stackup on the hair between my toes. Yesterday I stood stuck to the ground until Mom rescued me.

I'm on Pinterest with Mom now--have my own board, and added a couple of pictures I think are cool--would you believe a dog sleeping in a child's seat belt--so funny, but then dog won't fall on the floor, bump chin as I have done when car jerks to a stop. Hey, I just thought, I could probably have my own Pinterest. Hum, consider the possibilities.

Monday we are going to visit Villa Chardonnay, the Horse Santuary--hope we will see Breeze the horse who needs surgery--or maybe she's already in the hospital. If she needs surgery they better hop to it. Anyway I will post pictures if I can get any.

Thanks for the visit.

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