My momma says that everybody and their dog blogs. I wasn't writing a single solitary thing, but I'm correcting that right now. When momma got me she named me The Pink Party Poodle for Peace, now I guess I'm The Pink Party Poodle for Peace Pontificating. My pontification of the day is to tell you that the purpose of life is to have fun, hee, hee, and chase lizards. I love to chase lizards--never catch them though, they taste like rotten toes.

I'm Thinking

I'm Thinking

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Hello again

It's me, Peaches the supporter for Mom who has been upset over her chickens. A neighbor complained, and she may not get to keep them. Chickens are all right I guess. I like egg yolks--cooked of course. The whites? Yuck! Scrambled eggs are yummy if you mix them up really good.

I'm curious to see if mom gets to keep her chickens. You hear about backyard chickens a lot, and you would think, this being a rather rural community, that chickens would be allowed, but it appears that the city has an ordinance against them.  We didn't intend to get a rooster, sorry, but the hens, they ought to stay.

Have you seen the little chicken house? It's not offensive.

Kitchen window view--I saw it once when momma gave me a bath in the sink. Yuck.

Look at this, maybe someday...Wow!

P.S.  A lady not far away has agreed to see if the rooster will fit into her flock. Crossed paws!

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